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Musical Beginnings

My musical career may well have started standing on a piano bench singing Christmas carols at family holiday parties. I did, of course, sing in elementary class assemblies (as we all did). But once I got to Intermediate and High School, I took glee club and acappella classes, and sang with the school choirs.


Along the way, I did a few bouts of piano lessons, but found practice a bit boring and never went more than a year or so before abandoning the pursuit. It was just out of high school that I auditioned for my first band. A few bands later, I found some practiced musicians with whom I ultimately moved to Seattle in pursuit of the dream. There, my vocal study took a quantum leap, as I began to study classical technique, and my music appreciation expanded again, taking in musical theater and classical.


That training came at the hands of Maestro David Kyle, the famed vocal instructor to Geoff Tate of Queensryche, Ann Wilson of Heart, and Layne Stayley of Alice in Chains, just to name a few.


But what remains true for me is something David said to me in one of hundreds of instructional sessions: You've got to thrill me! My idea is that if what I writes moves me, it might just move someone else.


Perhaps above any other art form, music has a way of capturing one's emotions and transporting the listener. For me, that's the reason to do it.


And along the way, I've had the chance to tour internationally fronting rock and metal bands, write songs with luminaries in the field, and complete my own rock opera.


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